Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I'm Back!

Hi All!

The past few weeks (month really) have been insane.  Switching areas and jobs will do that, but I have to say overall the process has been smooth.  Big kudos to my brother and my family for helping me through this!

Before leaving, I managed to do the following updates in my house.  Now - let's hope it sells quickly!  Good selling times are July - October.

Before the update, the colors were really dark brown cabinets and a dark tan shade.  If you have not guessed already, light colors are my preference!

My new abode will work for a year and definitely until the house sells.  After that, I will begin looking for new places.

Running commences on Friday or Saturday at the latest.  I can tell my muscles have been getting non-running toning, which makes me hope the transition back into running will not be so hard.

Oiselle products continue to make moving, settling, and running better.  I am so excited to wear my singlet in my half marathon on September 3rd.  This half marathon might not be my fastest, but it will give me an idea of where I am fitness wise.

Also - at some point I hit 200 Miles, yay!  I am not recording that, since it was in the midst of the move.

Happy Running!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

You know something's right, when....


This post will not be lengthy and it will not have pictures, sorry!  I am taking a break and recuperating from two 12 hour driving trips (Thursday, Today), before tackling somethings on my todo list that do not require lots of energy.

Thanks to my lovely extended family, I had a place to sleep and a great side kick for scouting a new place to live.  After day one lead to multiple duds and then something closer, we decided I am a Luxury Apartment fan.  It makes me feel snobbish, but having quick access to a fitness center at all hours, two pools, sauna, sand volleyball court, and tennis courts are nothing about which to complain.  Plus - unless something falls through, the new place will fit my budget, even until and after my current house sells, and it is close to work, which is essential.

My schedule will vary as the weekly hours, depending on meetings and so forth, are also undetermined.  This could mean 60 hour weeks and 45-50 hours a week being normal.  A perk of the new job is that the group I will be serving is different from those I have been working with during the past 4 years.  I am going to miss some aspects of my current position, but it was time to move on and seek out those challenges.

Running wise, well, I have not done anything since returning from a professional conference.  Except, well, painting ceilings and packing.  I did sign up for a half marathon in my new abode for September 3rd.  Depending on how it goes, I will decide on what else to run this fall.

Question - for any runners and readers - how do you train for hills in flat areas?  This is a new problem I will be facing.  Most likely, I will travel to run in areas where I can access hills and visit people, but those trips can only happen so frequently.

This move is coming together well, which to me is another indicator that it is right.  It took 18 months of heartache and hard work to find it, but I am beyond excited about it all.

Happy Running!