About Me

My name is Margaret and I have always enjoyed running, sports, and pretty much any outdoor activity. Starting in 2003, I became aware of a citrus allergy, which gives me migraines, and the dietary restrictions commenced.  In January 2015, I stopped eating all dairy and most recently I stopped eating anything with wheat or corn and I am working on limiting the amount of walnuts and soybeans.  As of January 2017, I limit corn, potatoes, and soy products, but I can eat them without horrible consequences most of the time.  Dairy is still out, but I will not deny having some over the holidays and not experience guilt with the inevitable consequences.

Besides my allergies, I am a normal, healthy, happy, outgoing person, who loves running (hence the title)!  During the evenings and early mornings, I can be found running, reading, knitting, biking, hiking, and experimenting in the kitchen.

This blog will chronicle, in some ways, foods that work, don't work, or are ok for providing the necessary energy I need to live a normal life, while training effectively for races of various distances.  If you have questions, suggestions, or ideas; I will do my best to answer them or find answers for you.  Not all topics on the blog will relate to allergies, exercise, or running, but those will be areas of focus.


  1. Hi Margaret,
    My name is Margaret too :-) I'm a triathlete with allergies. Just thought I'd connect because we're like kindred spirits haha - same name, endurance sports, allergies! Here's my blog (just started it so not many posts yet) - https://theworldaccordingtomargs.wordpress.com. Keep up the good work and keep fighting those allergies :-)

    1. Hi Margs! How exciting and thank you for sharing your blog with me. I will definitely be here to cheer you on as you train and compete. Yes, the struggle with allergies is real for sure and keep up the good fight!

      Happy Thursday,
