If you had asked me a year ago about completing a trail race - much less a half marathon - I would have given you an odd look. Now, two weeks after completing one, I still smile and think fondly back on that race. It was tough and I would not consider it a true trail race. I loved that race, although I do not recommend it to a first timer.
Leading up to the race, I had a mostly strong and successful training cycle. I had slacked a bit on strength training and cross-training methods besides my stationary bike, but I had attended group workouts and, for the most part, completed the solo workouts on pace. I had four weeks of consistent 30 miles (only running) heading into that race. I had completed really tough trail races in preparation and mentally had developed a way to stay positive - for the entire race. I was ready to fly.
Unlike in many races, I was nervous and fidgety. Would I be able to race well? Was my training really where it needed to be? Then - three days before the race - I started having some issues, which plagued me in the May Kalamazoo half. Thankfully - I recognized the issue and fixed it pre-race.
I checked in and got bib the night prior to the race, because I would be taking a ferry in the morning. I wanted to be ok with the timing and I got lots of perspectives, but I ultimately decided to take an earlier ferry, which was definitely the right move. Thankfully, I ate a decent breakfast and my stomach was settled on the ferry ride over to the Island - the ride was a bit choppy and a passenger behind me was not so lucky.
This gave me about 90 minutes to shed layers, stretch, switch shoes, drop off gear, and do a minimal warmup. Usually, I try for a 15-20 minute run and strides, but the cold and windy temperatures put a hold on that idea.
Miles 0-2 - I went out faster than planned in a 9:28-9:38 pace. I checked my watch once just past mile 1. These miles were some of the flattest I would face and the wind was minimal. I even got a "bit warm," but I figured the time to be gutsy was at hand.
Miles 3-11 - Hilly, gorgeous, muddy, gravely, and lots of scenic views - between miles 7-8, I caught up with someone, who I had been following for awhile on social media, and I near fell over, when a fellow runner stopped abruptly in front of me to take a picture. Ahem - that was not pleasant - and I passed horse drawn carriages four times. My pace was in the upper 9 minute or just over 10 minutes for the majority of the race and - in this stretch - I had two 11 minute miles.
Miles 12-13.1 - back to the flat stretch, but the rain, which was present on-and-off throughout the race, and wind made these miles not fun and, in fact, very cold. At Mile 12, I glanced at my watch and knew, unless I collapsed in the last 1.1 miles, that I would be able to finish in a faster time than predicted by my coach. I was ecstatic.
I finished, caught up with my friend, cheered on two of her friends, and we parted ways. I was frozen but oh so happy. In short, I have not done much in the past two weeks, but I think mentally and physically this is what I needed.
I was at conference, completing projects, traveling, or racing, straight from end of May-October and I battled - what I hope - was my last case of Pneumonia in 9 months. My entire reasoning for doing a trail race was to take off the time pressure. 3 cases of pneumonia between Nov 2017-May 2018 left me not trusting myself and unsure of what I could do.
So what's next? I will probably do a holiday themed 5k and then focus on a half in the Spring and Fall. I might try to add in another half, but I am focusing most on staying healthy, being proud of myself, and - whenever possible - not freaking out before the race. If I can stay positive, then working out the "freakout points," is also possible.
To all those racing in Philadelphia, you got this! Congrats to all the Indy Monumental racers and I loved watching so many top female finishers in the New York City marathon. Also - to Jared Ward an the men - wow, I am so incredibly impressed by your performances.
Safe Travels and Happy Thanksgiving - I will probably not post anything until then!
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