The time is passing quickly and I am so ready for a long weekend. How about you? Martin Luther King Day used to mark the beginning of the school year and now it is a welcome relief from the normal routine. For 2016, I plan to use it as a kickstart to getting back into running before work and definitely in the mornings.
Over the holidays, someone mentioned to me that, given my love of exercise and all things it encompasses, perhaps I should consider getting a degree in it. My current masters degree limits my professional progression and a second degree would help. I have toyed and summarily discarded multiple ideas (teaching, public health, health administration, informations, interdisciplinary leadership, etc.) and yet one constant in my life, even on my worst days, is exercise.
Could I, potentially, get a degree in something that fascinates me and still advance professionally? Would a certificate and practice experience satisfy my need for a change and challenge? Or should I jump all in and go for a doctorate? Or apply to programs that might allow transitions into doctorate programs?
In any case, this is something I am contemplating. Any thoughts or ideas you have would be great! Meanwhile, I am off to read and enjoy the evening.
Happy Thursday, all!
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