Thursday, August 3, 2017

Race Recap of Sole to Soul 5k - WOW!

The credit for my improved times and no longer loathing a 5k goes completely to my coach. We both raced today and she was the top overall female in the race! She is amazing, down-to-earth, and keeps finding the speed, which I seriously thought would never ever return. Yesterday, I worked 11 hours. Lately, I have been averaging 9-10 hour days. Students are completing Orientation and we are in the busy stage of preparing as best we can for classes starting on Monday. Added to that - I am teaching next Thursday. It is a new program and it is exciting. Monday - my light workout did not go as I hoped. I figured this might happen, since I seem to be sluggish and not great on Mondays. By Tuesday night, I am good. My coach suggested a 9:45 minute pace and I was semi-optimistic that I could do it. I started my garmin but only made note of the first mile split on the course clock to see if I was overly fast or slow. Then, I tried to maintain or increase the pace for the remainder of the race. Overall goal - My coach thought I could do a sub 30 5k. I would have been pleased with a 30+ 5k, but she was pretty sure I could do it. She was right! Mile 1 - 9:33 Mile 2 - 9:36-9:39 (The record is a bit confused, but it is still quite nice!) Mile 3+ Split - 9:13 Average pace - 9:28 and chip time is 29:22. This is the first time I have had single digit splits in quite a few years and, overall, I finished sub 30. I am so astounded that I will probably be grinning or in awe the rest of the week. Granted - the long run on Saturday could be a bit challenging, but we shall see how it goes. Fueling - pre race - it did not go as I hoped, but I also had nothing to fear. I felt the best before and after a race, including the prescribed warm-up and cool down, than I ever have in my life. Rest, Sleep, Pre race workouts - These were not ideal, but I decided to give it my best and see what happened. Plus, I was thrilled to be employed, healthy, and ready to race! Happy Thursday!

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