I have learned that working on weekends usually makes for a week with less than ideal concentration. If I go to a coffee shop or work on by back porch, then it is not so bad. I also take lots of breaks but I also knew working this weekend was inevitable. Deadlines are good and I must meet them. Oh will I be glad when I can mark of few them as done!
Bloodwork is not fun and today they used pediatric sized needles. My little veins are just not fun for this sort of thing and it is also why I am trying out this coffee shop, which I spotted a month or so ago. I am hoping I will not suffer any ill effects so that I can do a 10k as planned a week from tomorrow. If necessary, I will do the 5k instead.
On June 16th, I am giving a presentation and so today I am finishing up the slides. As a multiple draft person and a perfectionist, this is version 4 or so. I stopped counting, because it is not helping. I hope it goes well but I will go into it knowing that I prepared as best I can for it.
Meanwhile, I spent quite a bit time going down a rabbit hole and debating whether or not to include something in a publication, which was recommended to me. At this point, I probably will not unless I get the same advice from another person. I did learn about some neat things in a program, though, which I started using two years ago for making graphs. The time was well spent, even if it did put me slightly behind. Submission will happen in the two weeks and then the worst part, waiting, comes to the forefront. I have other projects and so I will put my focus on moving those in the right direction.
After seeing the book, "Sarah's Key" by Tatiana de Rosnay in a library, I picked it up and read it one night. I really enjoyed it and it is historical fiction. Usually, I cannot handle this type of book, because they mess up the facts and my history major background rebels. It did make for a tough end to the week sleep wise, but I have no regrets. It also made me realize just why I enjoy learning about Eastern European history and World War II. So many people fought to escape or persist in tough circumstances. If they survived, many individuals made a point of changing the world and trying to prevent such things from occurring a second time.
As I have procrastinated enough, it is time to get back to editing slides and articles.
Happy Saturday!
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