Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wednesday Wonderings...

Hi All!

Frozen yoghurt by Stoney Brook Farms and a Strawberry Gelato do not irritate me!  Parmesan and Brie cheeses, by contrast, irritate my acid reflux quickly and I get a stuffy nose.  I reported back to the allergist today and I am hoping she will have some ideas for me.

Energy wise - it is still low.  Granted, I am not getting enough sleep, but work and non-work stuff make relaxing enough to sleep well a challenge.  I am compensating some by taking naps, but I getting up and out for a run is a tough thing.  I managed a morning run on Monday - loved it!  Now to do some more this week.

Two weeks from Friday, I will get my Vitamin D levels tested yet again.   Am I excited?  Not really - I have enjoyed getting blood drawn.  If I can move it up a week or two, I will, but I am not planning on it.  Someone suggested, since I can tolerate different kinds of dairy depending on the enzymes used to create it, that perhaps I have a digestive issue.  Intriguing thought, eh?  It's also nice to know that I can butter, provided it is not processed and does not contain any of the bad ingredients.

3 weeks from Friday I am scheduled to run my first marathon and last week leading into this week have not gone well training wise.  Do I run it anyway, settle for walking when necessary, and just be thrilled to have completed my first marathon?  Or do I switch to the half and race it, since I know that I can do that distance?  Tempos and long intervals between 8-10 miles are not an issue, but I bonk on the long runs.  Yeah - I am concerned and I am not sure how to solve it.  I opened the question up to the Runners Connect groups and I am hoping for ideas.

That's it for today!

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