I am procrastinating. Yep - I was great on the plane and in the first airport about focusing on what I "needed" to do. Now, I am taking a break. For me, the breaks allow for refocusing and this keeps me going.
2017 marked one of the busiest years I have had professionally (3 conferences - eek!) and I can tell 2018 is going to be equivalent or perhaps a bit more hectic. How am I going to handle this? Simple - day by day, task by task, and deadline by deadline. I sometimes do best with a packed schedule, because it keeps me from over thinking.
I am thrilled to say that I have been the healthiest in a long time this year and managed to run a half marathon, 10k, and three 5ks. The opportunity to get back into soccer appeared and, instead of shrugging it off, I got excited and waited a month to follow-up for additional details. Does this mean I will be playing soccer, running, and getting things done professionally in 2018? Quite possibly - more importantly, though, is that I am appreciating more than ever just what I can accomplish. Uncertain health and the stress of balancing a professional life and workload kept me from going for it more than I realized. In many ways, 2017 was my return to the "normal" me year.
My most popular posts for 2017 include:
Vacations are the best
11 day forced break - I can run!
Blisters and a Recap of a Busy, Busy, Week
Rethinking Critiquing Methods
Race Recap - July 2nd - The Sparkler 5k
Also - I created "categories" for race recaps, updated the about me, and did some other things to this blog, which I have been updating - somewhat consistently - for a few years. No, I am not the best at including photos, but that's ok.
Am I completely where I need or want to be? Nope - I am far closer than I have been and the person, who I fondly remember training and running consistently, is returning. The difference is that the "new" me recognizes how crucial it is to work with a coach, keep in touch with a supportive but protective exercise community, and most importantly how much just a little strength work, and mobility exercises, and breathing can improve how you approach challenges.
Thanks to all who have helped me grow in 2017 and I am excited to renew friendships, strengthen existing friendships, and meet new people in 2018. I am hoping to blog monthly and perhaps more in the upcoming year, but I will make a point of keeping posts to Twitter and Instagram on a regular basis.
If you have taken the time to read, to comment, or to contact me - I am hoping you have enjoyed, inspired (maybe excited?), or given the topic more thought that I touched on here.
Happy New Year's Eve!
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