After completing the strength workout Thursday and getting the pneumonia news Friday, I did not do much but sleep, rest, and eat this weekend.
I could that I was starting to feel better yesterday, when the urge to "do something" besides huddle under blankets hit.
Today, I did some foam rolling, shoveled the 2 inches of snow off my sidewalks/driveway, got the mail, and did some necessary stuff. I am still not 100%, but I can tell the medications are working. Now, to balance getting the rest and to finish what I must at work without a setback is the trick. This medication - although it takes longer - is preferable to the Z-pac for me. Then again, I hope not to ever get pneumonia after this bout. I could be dreaming, but we can always think positive right?
I also setup my first puzzle since moving in the house in April. Puzzles are my go-to. This one is a challenge and it did not surprise me at all, when I was ready to be done and under blankets after a short time. Today, I pushed it a bit on the physical side, but I felt it was the right choice given the circumstances. I also discovered that having a water bottle when you are shoveling is rather nice. I might have to make that a habit rather than a "you are not 100% and this could make it easier" trick.
As for the May half marathon, I running it "no watch me" for sure. My entire goal is to cross the finish line with a smile. Beyond that, I am going to focus on getting healthy, finding my Believe Journal, and meeting the deadlines that I must.
Happy Monday - I hope you got enjoy an extra day off, but if not I have been in that situation as well.
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