Monday, July 24, 2017

What a 9 days...OOF - Recap, here we go

Hey All, The last nine days have been full of stress, fun, running, and moving towards a painted living room! I had visitors, which was cool, and then I completed my first six mile run in awhile and it felt surprisingly good. I remembered that once I hit six miles that I need to eat beforehand. I tried 3 pieces of bread, 8 oz (or more) of water, and then off I went. I was so thrilled to feel pretty doggone good and that was a huge improvement over training in previous months and years. So - not to take chances - I switched to a bagel, ended up delaying a bit due to weather, and then completed 6 miles again and felt comparable or a bit better than my long run. Also - I did a speed workout with a group last Tuesday, who I call the gazelles, and it went quite well. Motivation - a few days - was a struggle, but I got out and did it. The heat was just awful last week and Saturday, when it was not raining. I am glad it has cooled off a bit and this means Fall will indeed be coming soon! Fall and Winter are my favorite times of the year. Ok - so I could pass on the ice, but snow never gets old. On top of all this, I have also selected a paint color and I am in the process of painting my living room. A post - once it is more complete and finished looking - will be coming. In a few weeks, my furniture, ordered in early June, will be delivered and this is my motivation for getting it painted. I think that I have before/after photos and I am glad that I took the time choosing my color, after selecting furniture. The next two weeks are going to be hectic. I will try to post before 9 days pass again, but Instagram is probably more likely to be current for a bit. Happy Monday!

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