Sunday, April 14, 2019

So Long, Volee; Hello Run Arete; What a Week...Disappearing for 10 Days;

Hi All,

In January, I reupped my membership for a local running group, joined one in a nearby city, and signed up for the Run Arete Midwest Group. Due to the recent adjustments, I have not been the most active in any of them, but I am excited to change this post-professional conference. Meanwhile, I am saying goodbye to the Oiselle Volee. I learned a lot, met some fun people, but decided to stick with Run Arete. Who knows - I might return, but I think this is the best decision for the moment. I still plant to cheer for all the many cool Oiselle Volee folks I met over the years and, I hope, we can still meetup at future events!
Months of planning yielded a poor turnout for most of the daily activities, but overall the participation was better. I might not get the article I hoped and dreamed to get from it, but I certainly learned that this time of the year is late for hosting a week of activities. The weather cooperated for the Community Event and I am considering my shelter rental fee as a charitable contribution.I had my 1.5 days of "oh my, that was not what I hoped," and it is now time to face the music.Yes, I need to shake off things more quickly, but 1.5 days is much better than 2 months, which is how long it took me to shake off my first rejection from a journal.

Early Tuesday morning, I am flying out to a remote area of New Mexico for about 10 days. The timing - in some respects - is not great, because one week from when I return, I board a train to my professional conference in Chicago. On the other hand, after a week of not well attended events and long days in the weeks preceding the program; I am ready - oh so ready - to flee.

Meanwhile, the puzzle is coming together and, yes, I will post pictures to Instagram. Because of the event, I learned of two places, which might take knitted donations. This is good. My Kobo Reader is so much fun - I never expected to love it. I do!!

Energy wise, I am whipped - but running an event has this reaction on me. I might try to the climbing gym tomorrow, before dropping off my car and heading straight to bed for the very early departure.

Happy Sunday, All!

Saturday, April 6, 2019

1/2 Way Back, Updates, The Urge to Finish (Spoiler photos)!

Hi All -

A week ago Monday, before the appointment that changed things for me, I went for a run. It was at a metropark and I will be coordinating an event in this location a week from today. I simply wanted to get an idea of mileage and options. Later that week, I took my gentle yoga class.

This week, I returned to the Metropark and did some running and then some walking. Would I have preferred to run it all? Yep - but I am learning to adjust my thinking to match the day. Then, I went running before my gentle yoga class! The instructor spotted me (oops) but this is a first and the only time I have managed exercise pre-class in 2019. Wednesday I did a run in a nearby park and today I went for a run close to where I live. I followed this by getting the lawn mower ready, because we know mowing season is right around the corner, removed fallen branches, began the process of creating a wild flower bed, and took additional pictures of my crocuses, which I planted in November. They were a gift and I will definitely be planting more. Don't worry - a post with all the flowers you could ever want to see will be coming, once all the blooms disappear. I did some reading for work at home, which I usually avoid, but I have deadlines and so adjustments must happen. Also - I am taking a 10 day break pre-professional conference, which means I am working crazy hours and trying to get things in place.

I would say that I am halfway back at this point. I can now pack exercise clothes and actually get excited about working out someplace. Or I get the urge to exercise on my own post-work, after I get back home. This is huge. I hoped this desire would return, but I was determined not to force it. While I might want to commit again to a training plan and a coach, I still need the complete return to happen. At that time, I will reassess - do I return to my coach from November 2016-early March 2019? Or do I stick with a set plan, which I get as part of membership? Or do I find a new coach? I do not know but I am also not thinking about it much.

And...yes...I am in this "must finish stage." I may or may not take a bunch of finished project photos and post them to Instagram.

Nope - I do not have photos, but the event I am coordinating tomorrow through next Saturday will have lots of photos. I might even do a post about it.

So for now - Happy Spring!