Sunday, December 18, 2016

Happy Holidays & Revisiting my first 6 mile run

The past two Saturdays have been 6+ mile runs.  Being able to once again run this distance and feel pretty good during and after it is incredible.  It reminds me of the days, when I ran my first six miles at a time and then ran a ten minute mile for the first time.  It has been quite a while.  Since 2012, my fitness has bounced a bit and mainly lagged, but it started getting a bit more routine in 2014, better still in 2015, and finally a move and return to consistency (mostly) in fall 2016.  Rough days are going to appear, but I am thrilled with my progress thus far.  As 2016 draws to a close, I am excited to report that I am the healthiest I have been in almost 3 years.  It is scary how circumstances, living situations, and medical issues can put a halt to "normal."  Am I at the current fitness and weight that I hope to be?  No - I am, though, far better off than I was two months ago and I am on the right path to getting where I want to be.

With that, below are some pictures of my latest runs and some fueling tips provided by the amazing Tina Muir (  Or you can always tune into her podcasts from Runner's Connect.  Tina is amazing and I just get a kick out of reading her blog posts and listening to her podcasts.

From Saturday's run...I was sore and nearly cut it short due to a bodyweight routine, but I persisted.   A huge thank you to my coach for reminding me that I need to make bodyweight, core, and myrtl a routine not sporadic part of my schedule.
A photo posted by Runningwithallergies (@runningwithallergies) on

The fuel, recommended by Tina Muir, that I happily consumed after the run and then tested again today in a slightly different form and flavor.  It's a winner, folks, and I might just have to become a regular subscriber.

I plan to post-December 31st, but if I forget.  Happy Holidays to all of you!  2017 is going to be a year full of fun and challenging times.  I am hoping for fun to outweigh the challenge, but one can never predict such things.

Stay safe.  Have fun.  I will definitely post a recap of my holiday adventures on January 2nd and I get back into the pre-work mode.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday, Monday - 9 workdays to go (who is counting?)!

Today was a tough but good day.  I talked, yep you got it, about something that has been on my mind for almost two months.  Usually, I can shake things, but that didn't happen this time.  It is always good to learn you are not alone.  Now to rebuild the confidence that disappeared in the past eight weeks.

Step 1 - Keep on Running!  I might not be the best candidate for personal coaching, but it surely is helping out with my self confidence.

Step 2 - Accomplish what is necessary to increase the downpayment fund.  My goal is 20%, which I hope to reach by mid-March and early April.  This means I will be in a new abode by July, if all goes well.  Ultimate goal - be settled and ready for Thanksgiving 2017.

Step 3 - Volunteer in a setting or several settings that bring joy to your life!  I have ear marked two and I got confirmation of one today.  Starting in January, I will be getting to hear the local symphony orchestra.  They might not be the best, but volunteering will get me out and introduce me to new people, while enjoying the performance.  This is a win-win and no this is not the volunteering position to which I referred a week ago or so.  That one is still in the application and confirmation stage.

Step 4 - Find ways to enjoy the entire weekend, even if it means working twelve hour days.  Lately, I am running on fumes.  Two weekends I have spent (Veteran's Day, Saturday) with people or trying to find people organized by a group for what I thought would be fun or at least growth experiences.  Both were disasters and I am never trusting that group to organize anything ever again.  Can you tell I was just a bit peeved?

Step 5 - Work with my coach to determine reasonable, stretch, and super stretch goals for the Spring.  After having completed 20+ miles this past week, I am so excited to see what is next.

Happy Monday - remember, happiness is a choice and it is something that has eluded me recently.  Don't repeat my mistakes please!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Weekend Wrap-Up, Hello 20+ Miles, and A Camel

Hey All!

Yep - I get the bad posting award for the week, but seriously I had so little energy this week.  I was not sleeping well most nights and last night was the absolute worst.  I woke up every 1-2 hours and I could not get the heating unit to quit making noise.  Enough about that - needless to say it was a rough start.  Last note to the rant - if you are organizing something and cancel, make sure everyone gets the message!  I didn't.  A bad night's sleep in a hotel after driving 2 hours in flurries on unfamiliar roads = not a happy me and then 40 minutes of driving to get the news.  On a bright side, I did spot a camel, which was not wearing festive clothing, and I explored new areas of the state.  I also got my boots back and I can wear them again!  The heel cap popped off and I ended up buying a second pair.  Let's hope this works.

Monday ~ 4 miles
Tuesday - 1.26 miles (trying to get out the calf cramp, which appeared late/early Tuesday morning)
Wednesday - Speedwork day (delayed by calf cramp) ~4.66 miles
Thursday - Rest (I was tired.)
Friday - first YakTrak Run (4.09 miles)
Saturday - longest run in over a year (6.09 miles)

I am so excited to have broken the 20 mile barrier for a week.  This might be silly, but if you read my earlier posts, then it will make so much sense.

Happy Saturday!

Monday, December 5, 2016

What a Monday & Holiday Preview

A month from Saturday (December 10th), something professionally important and nerve wracking is due.  A month after starting to train with a coach, my easy pace has improved by about 15 seconds.  It also has given me the confidence to face each day and to know, without a doubt, that I can improve.  It will take hard work, but it is possible.  The first of five professional deadlines, by contrast, seem insurmountable.  Then again, sometimes getting back into shape seems insurmountable.

My hope is that in the upcoming weeks I will be filled with a sense of purpose, energy, and drive to be the best and most honest person I can be.  Migraines and reactions to medication make me cranky, angry, and just plain nasty.  Holidays - which used to be fun - are now filled with more angst than anytime of the year.  If something does not change soon, I can tell my choice will be for the easier option.  For now, all I can do is try not to overthink and to come up with a way to deflect attention creatively from how I will not be my usual self when it comes to meals.  My current thinking is to say I am training and thus must be extra careful.  Thoughts?

Happy Monday, All, and be sure to congratulate those who inspire and encourage you.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Congrats & Weekly Review

First off, congrats to Stephanie Rothstein Bruce for finishing second at the California International Marathon today!  Also - to Tina Muir for finishing fifth overall and earning a personal record.  How amazing are these women?  I thought it was amazing enough to get up early and rearrange my schedule (not my normal weekend policy) to follow them on athlete tracking.  I am so glad I did.  Also - congrats to Eric Fernandez on his debut in the marathon.  I am in awe and yet inspired by each of you.  Some day - I hope to become a marathoner, but for now I will stick with a return to regular running.

Monday - rest - horrid migraine
Tuesday - 3 miles (confirmed evening running is not for me!)
Wednesday - rest
Thursday  - workout day (3.66 miles total)
Friday - rest
Saturday - 5.4 miles

The goal was to hit 14 miles, but it was a nasty migraine the prohibited running much the previous week.  I was ever so glad it broke and now to prevent it from ever happening again is my goal.

During my run yesterday, I realized how thankful I am to be healthy and to be able to keep things in perspective.  Thanksgiving drove that point home and a migraine turns me into a nasty person.  I would rather that nasty person never return, but I am content (for now) to have plugged through it.

This week I get to run 6 miles!!  I am excited - so excited - that I have a coach, who is willing to work with me and even might switch to morning workouts.  I can do PiYo, Pilates, and Yoga in the evenings, but I am just a disaster with running.

Thanksgiving gave me some ideas, which I will share once they are formalized.  For now, I am investigating the important pieces and rejoicing about being healthy.

Happy Sunday, all!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

It Broke (finally) and 14 years ago in March

It was just after Spring Break, my first in a new school, and this pesky headache would not go away. First I was told it was chronic sinusitis, after getting a CT.  Then, after multiple tests still did not provide answers, perhaps it was allergies.  Nope - that did not help and I was taking over the counter medicine.  Then - I was referred to a neurologist, who diagnosed classic migraines, prescribed medication, and sent me on my merry way with a follow-up appointment in a few months.  I was not called, after the starting the medication, to see if it would help.

Several months later and 10-15 pounds heavier, I could not run.  I drank water all the time.  I was over-hydrated or borderline over-hydrated.  I had no muscle tone and I still had the headache.  My first summer home after college, clipping ingredients led to the discovery.  Presto chango - I react to citric acid, lemons, limes, oranges, and traces of these juices along with pomegrantes.  The trick became to read the labels and hope all the ingredients would be listed.  Did I mention that "natural" citric acid also leads to migraines?

Fast forward to this summer when I relocated, I changed medications (brand to generic) and once again lived through three months of feeling awful.  I got back on the brand medication and suddenly life became better, until I ate some food at Thanksgiving.

Now - seven days later - I am finally migraine free, but my coordination is not where it should be.  Hence, I tripped and splatted this morning.  This is something that consistently happens, when I am early on in a migraine or just getting past it.  While I might not have ever been the most coordinated of individuals, just a few months of taking that medication in 2003 really took my coordination down to all new levels of low.  I try to just accept falling will happen and then move past it.  Honestly - what else can be done?

So today - this Thursday seven days past Thanksgiving - I am thankful to have completed a workout and defeated the migraine.  It truly has been a tough week and I would gladly avoid having this prolonged event combined with worsening symptoms from ever occurring again.

Bonus - I can write and almost think!  New discovery - I can edit pretty well with a migraine.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

What Thanksgiving and last week taught me...

Last week was rough, wonderful, and horrid.  Yep - It all started Monday with a memory of my days in running camp (1998) and the early weeks in cross-country (2002).  Evening running and I have had tangles in the past and it sure hit then.  Tonight - it almost happened a second time, but I accomplished "mind over matter."  Tomorrow, I do a workout and we shall see what happens.

Thanksgiving proved to be wonderful and tough.  It was wonderful seeing family and having some stay with me.  It also kicked off the longest running migraine I have had in years combined with new symptoms.  Yep - I am thinking of ways to survive the upcoming holiday season, where it is likely to be as bad or worse.

Thankfully, tonight it backed off enough that I could run (yay) and I just hope it stays away for good, but I would not count on it.

So I am giving thanks for the time with family and also for the patience they have with me, because I am at my worst when the migraine hits.

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, November 18, 2016

What a week..Running keeps me sane!

Hi All!

Professionally, the past week has been good, tough, and miserable.  How can all those things happen?  It's simple, really, since that is how life goes.  If I end up not blogging as much, it is due to staying on track and keeping up with training.  Please accept my apologies, when this should happens in the future, and I will try to keep things happy, light, but real on this blog!

Running wise - things are fantastic.  I am finishing up week three with my coach.  It is by far the best choice I have made since relocating and starting a new position in July.  On Tuesday evening, I did my first time trial in years (yes, that is right - years!)!  Based upon the 5k I did in late September, my idea of what I might run looked as follows:

B)10:16 - 10:45

My easy pace - depending on the day - is in the 12-12:45 range.  So - I hit 10:04, much to my amazement and surprise, on Tuesday!  To accurately - sort of predict - what I might hit was amazing and the first time I have been able to do so with such a degree of precision since 2008!  You got it, folks - nearly 8 years ago was the last time I could do this.

Does this mean overnight my speed will return?  Will I eventually be a speedy person?  No and no - it does mean, though, I am getting back into shape and doing my best to execute the training my coach gives me.  Also - I got to PiYo last night and it was amazing!  All the aches and pains from the week pretty much went away and I am feeling much more springy.

Note - I promised myself a treat, if I could get my A goal.  I purchased a foam roller and used it on Wednesday night.  I love it!  Now - I am just looking to see if I can get something to assist my lovely shins, which get into pre-shinsplint mode faster than I can handle.  Compression socks and comfy sneakers help a bit, but I am still not thrilled.

Happy Friday and Happy Weekend!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

400 miles, Sights, 6 weeks to go!

Woohoo - 400 milestone reached today!  A few weeks ago I caved and decided cross-training on a stationary bike was fine, but I quit including group classes.  No judging allowed.

This past 100 has included more running than any other up to this point (yay)!  My health - while more rocky than I hoped - is stabilizing.  Kombucha for the win.

Animals spotted:  2 tiny snakes, deer, a flock of geese

New things tried: 3 different parks and a trail, which is linked to a major park here.

Things learned:  I work best with a coach, who I trust to help me know when to back off or to push.

Happy Exercising - whatever this means for you!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Weekly Wrap-Up

Hey All,

This was my highest weekly cross-training, walking, and running mileage to date!  After quickly reviewing my goal of reaching 600 miles before midnight on December 31st, um, yeah I might be dreaming.  Stay tuned - though - it could happen.  The key to success for me - at least - seems to be having a coach, being honest, and doing the best I can.  I trust my coach to get me where I want to go and, if that does not work, I can always change.  So far - though - I am pleased and I hope she is as well.

Monday - 4.14 miles, myrtl (love this!)

Tuesday - Faartlek - only me and my coach (yes, I was terrified as she is speedy and I am so not!)

Wednesday - rest (sinus issues started Monday and persisted)

Thursday - 4.14 miles

Friday - rest day (still dealing with sinus stuff and routine blood work.  Fasting kills me with the blood work and I spent much of the day sleeping!)

Saturday - 5 miles, myrtl - I could see noticeable improvements from last week to this week each day.

Sunday - I want to do a bit of cross-training, but I am playing it all by ear.

Thursday night-Friday morning, time change, and the election = it was quite the week.  I am proud of what I managed to do.

Happy Running and congrats to all those who raced this weekend!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Why Faartlek's Rock and Headband Love

Hey all!

As I type this, I am trying so hard to not refresh the election results.  My ability to stay up for a definite win is not going to happen.  My body - which is not adjusting well to the time change - decided I should be wide awake at 5 am this morning.  Yes, you did read that correctly 5 am.  Normally this would not bother me, but I had to a)vote and b)a faartlek workout scheduled for 6:30 pm.  Anyone want to guess why at 3:30 pm I emailed my coach when I just had not been feeling good for several hours?  Once I removed my contacts and switched clothes, I felt remarkably better.  Part of what held me back and caused nerves - of course - was fear.  I just started with this coach and I was 7 days into my new training plan to build a base.  I am slow, not in the best of shape, and had not done much - if any - speedwork in quite awhile.  On top of all that, I excel at adding distance - not speed - and that is going to present a challenge!

Then, I got a headband, learned I was the only one, and off we went.  Check out this cool headband:
A photo posted by Runningwithallergies (@runningwithallergies) on

Tomorrow, I am scheduled for rest or cross-training and Pilates.  My core - along with most of my muscles - is a bit on the flabby side.  On Monday, though, I completed the run and noticed the passing of miles only after 2 were complete.  I glanced down to make sure my watch was not running low on battery, which is has been doing.  In all previous runs, I could tell you when a mile had passed.  I am slowly improving.  Little steps are the key!

I am not doing the Turkey Trot, but I might sign up for a Santa Race.  It is almost definite that I will be working much of the holidays this year and that is another reason I am thrilled to be getting back into running.  Watch out, Spring - the buildup is starting and I am excited to see what you have to offer!

Happy Exercising.

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Turkey Trot Debate

Happy Monday!

The Turkey Trot is a yearly event some of my extended family members do.  My immediate family has no interest.  The first one I did was in 2009 and we arrived minutes before the race started.  It was the last time I ever arrived with so little pre-warmup time.  The one I am considering does not start until 9 am, which means I could quite easily make it, since the drive is minimal.  I am commuting 2 hours for a 5k.  Nope - that insanity is for my extended family members - not me.  To run or not to run is the question.  Tapering will not happen for sure.

Beyond that, the fall foliage spotting continues along with seeing two little snakes in the past two weeks.  One was alive and the other was dead.  Note to animals - please stay off the path!  I will try to dodge you, but I can only do so much.

The following photos are from two weeks ago Saturday:

This next photo was taken this past Saturday.

My 2016 miles in 2016 will not happen, but I am pleased with all that I have accomplished, despite the many changes I have made.  Will I do the challenge next year?  Nope - it did serve to get me out and moving on the days when I felt the most sluggy, though, and that counts for something.  My guess, which will be judged on December 31st, is 600 miles.

Have fun!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Weekly Roundup

Hey All!

This was a tough week.  Getting back into regular exercise means that I am kind of a nightmare in some respects for two weeks.  My emotions resemble roller coasters and I had a meltdown of epic proportions followed by a run on Monday.  All told.  It was a decent week in most respects and I am putting things in motion to make next week even smoother.

This week I started my first week of coached running in over a week and I am so glad Coach Runacious ( stuck with me, after I got the time wrong and appeared late two weeks ago.  Kudos to her - she is nice, calm, and pushes me without adding extra stress.

My paces are pretty consistent at this point and they are not where I know they could be.  Right - I am building the base and trusting my coach to help the speed return.  Apparently, I am healthy enough to add back in mileage and not crash.  I think the trick was cutting out dairy. :)  Stay Tuned.

Monday - 2.78 miles and myrtl

Tuesday - 3.03 miles and strides (I am pretty sure I messed up the stride length, but it felt good to do some speed work!)

Wednesday - 3.33 on a stationary bike, since the Elliptical was occupied.  Looking back on it, this was probably a better choice for where I am training wise.

Thursday - 3.27 mile + PiYo (eek - lunges get me all the time)

Friday - Rest (I was feeling the PiYo)

Saturday - 5 miles + myrtl

I may or may not do some cross training tomorrow.  If I can work out the soreness from PiYo, then I will for sure.

Nope - this post does not have a bunch of pictures, but I will leave you with this Instagram Sunset photo from Tuesday.  Next week - I will try to post a bit more, but my focus is on getting in the training, recovery, and sleep.  Instagram will be active, though, and I will post at least once a week here!

Happy Saturday :)

A photo posted by Runningwithallergies (@runningwithallergies) on

Saturday, October 29, 2016

What a week - RoundUp, Frustrating Moment, and Announcement!

Hey There, Readers!

I get a blogging minus for this week.  What I feel today, which started on Tuesday and continued through the remainder of the week, is more like me than I have in about 5 months.  In other words, it is time to rejoice and celebrate!

Also - I tried my ice cream maker (yay) and made my first batch of Dairy Free ice cream.  I still need to work on it, but it was not awful.  Does it taste like ice cream? is sweet though and I don't feel guilty about eating it.  Now - to just find a way to make it taste delicious is my next goal. Who does not like ice cream?

Due to a nutty week, I finally got out and ran on Thursday night.  Go Me.  Then, I went for another run this afternoon.  Frustrating note - a car dinged my newly registered 4 month new-to-me vehicle.  I am not happy.  In fact, I almost posted something to Facebook reminding people to be careful.  Back to running - I am loving the changing leaves.  How can you not enjoy a run with views like this?

Also..starting Monday, I have a new coach!  After taking some time away and realizing I work best with some in-person and local coaching, I met with Coach Runacious (  The prices are reasonable and she is personable!  I am excited to get back into it and to work with her.  While I am not setting any major goals for the first three months, I am settling on developing a strong base, working on core and the myrtle routine, and attempting to cut back times on my mile and 5k.

Happy Fall weather!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

It's Friday...not quite but close...

Hi Again!

Yep, I am posting two nights in a row and you can now express your shock.  Mimic the monkey's expression below and be sure to feed him bananas, since I am fresh out of them:

Sometimes ditching responsibilities, while tough, is the right approach to take.  Does this mean I like it?  No - it does mean, though, I am putting myself first.  Given the day I had, it is jolly good thing I did.  Tonight, I was supposed to drive 30 minutes, run with a group, browse running products, and drive back to my abode.  Note - it rained hard or steadily all day and I was not feeling the drive.  So - I went running in a new-to-me area and forgot the headlamp, bad me, but remembered the vest and got in a decent run.  After stopping, I checked out my garmin's minute per mile.  It read 12:07!  Now - you are correct in reading that this is slow and for me, yes, it is slow.  Right now, though, this is a pretty decent pace for me and I am thrilled.  Need a comparison, check out the picture I took after a run awhile ago:

While I have not been the best at consistency, I am improving and, better yet, I felt pretty great the entire time.  Yes, I can still predict - almost within .25 of a mile - when I am close to two miles, which tells me my current long run between three and four miles is probably where it should be.  

For anyone getting back into running, take it from me - it is worth it!  Push through those slow miles and you will return to running the paces you want.

Happy Almost Friday/Weekend!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Happy Wednesday and Late Posting

Hi All!

It took me almost a month and I have an answer for why, I think, the move and adjustments have been so tough.  Part of it is where I am living.  My dust and mold allergies are acting up and I am not taking my usual amount of allergy medication.  Answer?  I am congested and feeling awful.  Not fun - I am working on it.

Secondly, I started drinking Kombucha daily.  It makes my budget really unhappy in some ways, but oh feeling better makes the extra cost so worth it.  Besides - my desire for beer, wine, or hard cider is essentially gone!

Thirdly, I am not quite ready to do hard workouts and pushing it in the race, while fun, led me into a bit of tailspin followed by reacting horribly to the flu shot.  I am getting back into a good pattern, but two days of running under stress last week and a trip for training left me dead tired all weekend.  What's the solution?  Use the elliptical more and pull back on workouts, until normal training is back to being easy at faster paces.

Yep - my tweet of yesterday indicated new changes.  I am not quite ready to share all, but I will say that I am excited to see what the next few days and weeks bring into my soon-to-be established running routine.

I plan to finish up the Plank Challenge in the next few days and I won't be taking the rest day, since I fell off the wagon this time last week.

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Thankful Thursday

Almost exact a year ago, I was in a pretty dark place.  The looming decision (race or not to race a dream distance) loomed over me.  My meals were a disaster and I, if I was being honest, could sleep for hours at a time.  Energy - rare an issue for me - was non-existent.  I was living on a diet of between 500-800 calories a day and I expected my body to crank out long runs.  Thankfully, I wised up and deferred racing for a year.  I stepped away from a coach and online community to figure out what exactly was happening.  While I am better - a year later - the struggles continue.  This is what I have learned in the past year and maybe it will help someone, who has family members or friends with allergies.

1)  Provide labels or ingredients for all foods!

  • Yes - this makes spontaneity a challenge, but it will decrease the stress of the friend or family member with allergies.  If you think watching them have a limited menu is tough, reverse it.  They will try not to look enviously at the other food, which they cannot eat, but they will try to be a good sport about it.
2)  Do not draw attention to a plate with not much on it!
  • This only heightens the overly aware person with allergies.  Just try - really hard - to ask if the person is enjoying the food, eat your own and, if they ask you eat to something from the plate, do so or find someone who will.  It is not easy for the person with allergies for the people around them.
3)  Encourage the allergy prone individuals to bring snacks, beverages, and other foods to help them maintain a good energy level.
  • Try bringing a main dish or dessert, if you can, and then protect enough servings to help balance out foods that cannot be consumed.
  • Pack snacks!  If the gathering is large and someone asks to try it, explain calmly why sharing is not possible or, if the food is not overly expensive, have enough on hand to share.
4)  Do not take offense - especially if questions are asked about food preparation or if labels are examined with microscopes!
  • By following tip 1, this is easily avoidable.  Or invite the allergy prone person to assist with food prep to extent the individual can.  This requires a good knowledge of the allergy by both the family and the individual.
  • Depending on the household, I have been know to avoid visits due to knowing I will react and have to handle the side effects for multiple days on top of facing open criticism at every meal.  Bringing a set of food, that would work for me, was not an option.  Avoiding it was easier than facing a meal.  
5)  Unless you have a special diet to follow or prepare foods regularly for someone with a special diet, do not pretend to understand.
  • People will try to sympathize with you.  Or say, "Wow, I cannot imagine how tough that must be.  How do you handle grocery shopping?"  Simple - a person with allergies knows what will work and accepts what won't.  Experimentation - depending on the severity of the allergy - is possible.  It has side effects, though, and in some cases can lead to allergic reactions for multiple days.  Asking these questions multiple times or at every visit only serves to draw attention to the limited diet.  While the question asker might feel better, it rarely helps the individual with allergies.
6)  Last but not least - Make the individual's with allergies as comfortable as possible.
  • This does not mean one should add stress to an already stressful atmosphere by making a special menu or creating a special place.  Instead - contact the person with allergies and work to find a menu or items that the person can eat.  Lastly - help protect servings for the individuals with allergies, which will then make life more comfortable for everyone.
Between now and Thanksgiving, I hope to experiment with my new ice cream maker (not opened yet).  If I can find a semi-normal tasting one, perhaps I will bring it with me.  I do not expect dairy free ice cream to be delicious, but being able to have it at all would delightful!

Happy Thankful Thursday!

How I am surviving the Plank Challenge & Long Run Route Discovery

Hey All,

As of tonight, I have six remaining plank challenge workouts and one rest day.  Had you asked me if I would still be doing this nearly a month ago, I would have laughed and said, "Um...nope!"  I can say, though, that this has helped get me back into a routine - even with setbacks (pointing at the flu shot, now!) - and I am so glad to be doing it.  I am not gonna lie, after this 30-60 seconds of planks at one time are my limit.  How I am accomplishing this?  Simple - two suggestions are listed for you next:

1)Break it into smaller segments of seconds (5,10, 15, 30, 45, 60).  Remember - the only person to be upset about this break in routine is you.  Also keep your form as it should be.  If it fades, stop the clock and reset.  Then restart it.

2)Try different plank positions!  I now rotate 30 seconds with a reverse plank.  15-30 seconds on each side.  Then, lastly - I move to the original plank position.  I try to hold that one for 60 seconds, but I stop sooner if I need to do so.

This plank challenge is tightening up my stomach, arm, and core muscles.  It is something I needed and I will continue with it, but not in the lengthy increments of the challenge.  I will be happy to keep up the build up to 60 seconds of each.

Today - I tried out a route, which was new, and I think it might be perfect for long runs.  Immediately after I finished, though, the rain drops started and then quickly stopped.  This tweet sums up my run mentality this evening perfectly:

"Want to see me run faster than usual? Simple - tell me it will be dark soon. Or say a horrific storm with lightening is on the way."

Meanwhile, I have no exciting pictures, but I will fix that next time.

Happy Running!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Newish Place, Short Run, It's Fall!

This morning I got up and went for a run in a new place.  Ok - so I started in the same location but I went a different way.  Also - I had not been in that location for close to 1.5 months!

As the panic started to grow - remember new route - I reminded myself that I would get back in time to shower, eat, and still be out of the house in time to arrive at work in a timely fashion.  Part of this I believed, but part of it was tricking my mind into not panicking.

What I learned:

  • Plan for 30 minutes of driving time.
  • Wear capris, tights, or sweats - it is 40 degrees, folks, and shorts don't cut it at my current pace.
  • Oh the joys of starting the day with running are impossible to beat.
I am hoping to make this a new thing.  Maybe I will run in my neighborhood a few days a week and then travel to this location a few days a week.  The distance was shorter than I would have liked, but you can only do so much when trying out a new location.

Also - when you are driving a car with fancy technology, sometimes the following happens:

I could not get the beeping due to an unbuckeled passenger to stop without doing this.  Lesson learned - put the groceries in the trunk and then this will not occur a second time.

Happy Monday, All!

Monday, October 3, 2016

The Blinking Light Brigade (aka early morning running is the best)!

A few weeks ago, I made a cryptic comment on twitter, which included a typo - sigh, referencing the blinking light brigade.  If this statement made little sense, let me enlighten you.

In the mornings, I wear the following gear a headlamp - picture is close to being accurate)

and some things around my wrist which blink.  I got them for free at a professional conference.  The vest I added after learning of a runners death and because I was living in an area with poor lighting.  Below is a picture of one, but mine is a bit less bulky and it is designed for runners:

The lighting where I live now is a bit better, but I am still not taking any chances.  When in doubt - be cautious, take it slow, and stop or sprint to safety if you feel nervous.  The headlamp sits more comfortably when I am wearing a cap or winter hat.

Also - I only wear headphones, when I am running on a treadmill or using an elliptical.  I don't like to remove my ability to focus on cars and my surroundings.  

After racing and feeling quite drained all day Saturday and most of yesterday, I am getting my flu shot today.  Since I usually react and have some other necessary but draining things planned for today, I will be content with doing 90 seconds of planking tonight.  The jump from 60 to 90, folks, was not fun!

Happy Early Morning Running!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

First Race in 2016

Hi All!

What a week - I have learned some new tricks and discovered at least part of what needs to happen for me to stay healthy.  Kombucha is the key!  Dairy free living is not the most fun, but it also means I do not spend 85% of blowing my nose.  Also - I can breathe, hah, when running.  I probably do not snore as much when sleeping either.  At any rate, I am committed to keeping this feeling good dairy free going until I get answers.

Today, I ran my first race in 2016.  Granted - it was a 5k and I have decided not do any more this year.  I did it and it was pretty well organized.  I am looking forward to doing more races by this group and eventually I will get my time down to where I think of it as normal.

Happy Saturday and Happy Running!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Starting the week on the right foot & Making the right decision

Sometimes it seems as if we are all alone and that talking about a problem or situation with anyone will not help.  We all need someone at one point to serve as this person for us, but recognizing that this person might change or disappear at times is necessary.  Or finding alternative ways to handle the situation can also lead to personal growth.

About five months ago, I realized it was time to make changes.  Being stubborn and struggling with the situation, though, I resisted.  In reality, the change began, when I transferred schools in college, but it got much more prominent, when I moved farther from home.  I did not realize it, though, until this week.  Recognizing the change and dealing with it, however, are two different things.  I had come to a dead end, but failed to recognize it.

In college, I deliberately started changing what information I shared and, it appears, the time has come yet again to be judicious with information.  I am not out to be the number one attention grabber, but I also need to work - again - on recognizing that I can make good decisions.  If your confidence and emotions go through enough hard times, it may appear to be gone.  In reality, though, it comes back, when you let yourself make a good choice and then make another to build on top of it.

Four days ago, a friend of mine encouraged people to join her in doing the 30 day plank challenge.  Today, she shared an article about why planks are so good for you.  Granted - I am not buying what the author said 100%, but I am feeling better about doing something exercise related besides walking each day.  Also - just participating on a team is always fun.

Reality is not always pretty, but being aware of it never hurts.  So - since I am almost over the bug - I am going to return to try and run three times this week.  One of those runs might be the race next Saturday, which I will definitely shorten to the 5k and I will not race it.

Happy Saturday Night!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

30 day Plank Challenge - Ready, Set, Go!

Hey All!

Despite not being able to run or rather lacking the energy most days and weekends to go, a friend posted about the 30 day plank challenge and I started it today.  Yep - I am fun and don't follow the trends and so I am a day behind.  I am doing the 30 day plank challenge available here.  By using google, you can locate other challenges here.  Will I get to being able to hold it the entire time? Maybe not, but I will focus on proper form and holding it as long as possible.  I might even break up the time in little 60 minute sections, since I have heard this is better for you.

Happy Exercising - regardless of whether it is running, walking, or whatever is working for you!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Fighting a bug & Recap

Sometimes, you catch a bug and that pretty much determines your actions for the week or weekend.  I knew that I was heading that direction, when I could not get warm and then I would wake up hot and stuffy headed.  Thankfully, I was able to just sleep and do little all weekend.

In terms of running, I am not sure what the race on October 1st will hold.  I will not race it and I might switch it down to a 5k instead of my preferred 10k entry.  If I have learned anything in the past year, since the craziness hit, it is to take care of myself first and run later.  Allergies are just plain nasty.

So happy running to those of you who can and for those of us on the sidelines, cheer with all your heart as if you were running!

Update - I really focused on getting sleep this weekend and by getting in bed early, I am feeling better.  I will be ecstatic, if I can run once or twice this week, but I am not pushing it.  I used to prioritize sleep in college and grade school, even when times were stressful, and I need to get back to it.  I am more efficient and my body is happier.  Also the temptation to nap during the day - which I stink at doing - is minimal.

Professionally, I have some deadlines on the horizon and that means I need to keep the motivation and concentration at peak levels.  This should not appeal at all during the work day:

Let's have a great week and be happy with whatever exercise we can manage while being ourselves.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Weekly Goals Recap & Monday Rundown

It's official.  As of last Friday, I signed up for a 10k.  I only hope that this time I can actually do it.  The race is on October 1st and later that day a running BBQ is scheduled in Cincinnati.  How fun does that sound?  I might try to car pool with others from my area.

Last weeks goals:

Run 3x -- missed by 1 (Sunday, Tuesday)
Crosstraining -- done (I count walking to/from the mail area and climbing stairs.

Goals for this week:

Run 3x (Monday!)
Crosstraining - 3x (must be more than walking and climbing stairs.)

Beyond that, I am just plain tired.  This appealed so much, but I just fought the yawns instead:

This week is off to a good start and it will be busy.  I will try to post three times this week, but we shall if that happens.

Happy Exercising!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

"Celebrate Today, Come On, Come On"

Three and half-years (give or take a few months) later, my first house sells today.  Closing occurs later today.  Why should I celebrate?  Real estate is slow to move in that area and I was lucky - despite some really tough sports - sell it.    

It is now to time celebrate and give a huge thanks to all who helped get me to this point!  It was not without dread, panic, fear, borderline tears, and frustration at various points.

A special word of thanks goes to the following people:

My brother - I could not have relocated or stuck to pushing back without your support.  Thanks heaps!

My parents - 3/4 of the much needed changes would not have happened without you.  Next time - I will ask more, get tons of opinions, and not sign anything until I am comfortable and so are you.  Thanks for being who you are and here's to a future with less stress!

My extended family - you helped me find a new place, welcomed me with open arms, and gave good ideas on how to sell the house.  I could not be more thankful and I am counting your help for finding the next one!

It's not Thursday, but I think this post counts for numerous Thankful Thursdays.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Acceptance: Dairy Free for 7 Days Minimum & Comeback Time (Writing for Accountability!)

After battling a bug (upset stomach, no appetite) and not being careful about what I was eating, starting yesterday I decided to live dairy free for a week.  This is a challenge, since cheese and yoghurt are delicious and perfect things to eat on hot summer days.

Speaking of summer, I went for a run (yay) and the weather was surprisingly nice.  To help myself keep the momentum going, I am committing to setting weekly goals in the Believe Journal, which I purchased two years ago (no frowns, please - I have done lots of reading out of it!)!  If I surpass the goals, I might give myself a huge pat on the back and treat.  Or I might just stick with getting in better shape as the treat.  Either way folks, I am back on the road and nothing is stopping me!

I would love to say the Oiselle Meetup will happen for me in a few weeks time, but I am literally taking it a day at a time right now.

Happy Running!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

My Latest Obsession & Return to Exercise

Rarely do I enjoy any computer game - the exception is Settlers of Catan and only when I play with family - for a long time.  Pokemon Go, for instance, held my interest for all of parts of 2 days.  Toy Blast held my attention for 4 days.  Farmville 2, on the other hand, has made it for a whole week and it might continue.  Initially, when I played Farmville back in 2009, I thought it was the dumbest game on the planet.  Literally - you got penalized for not harvesting the crops and having hungry animals.  This time, though, they have modified it and you can leave it and return days later with no penalty.  It does still try and make you pay for money (Farm Bucks), but they have an option where you can take surveys.  Will this game continue holding my interest beyond the 2 week period?  I don't know, but the animals are cute.

Starting Monday, I am gong to get back into an exercise routine. Yesterday - I felt lousy, primarily due to not handling things well.  I slept a lot, relaxed, and today I am feeling closer to normal.  Tuesday, I have the opportunity to pickup something I started doing in college and then again during my DC years.  Am I excited?  You betcha.  It is likely that I will be the only adult and not the most fit, but it will be good to get back into it.  Can you guess - based on a picture that is not 100% relevant - what it might be?

Happy Long Labor Day Weekend!  If you don't get a long weekend, I hope you are able to enjoy what time you have.

Happy Exercising!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Happy September!

Happy September!  This month marks the beginning of the fall and the kickoff of the holidays.  Yes, the time between September and November is greater than most, but I still love knowing Thanksgiving is right around the corner.

In July, I commented that getting through August would be a challenge.  It was in every way I could think of and more so.  It feel as though I have been on the run or fixing something, almost since July 5th.

So - today, I am thankful August is done.  Come on, September - let's see what fun things can be accomplished.  Given the craziness, it is unlikely that I will run in the 5k Run/Walk Saturday.   Instead, I will get in at least one run this holiday weekend (hello 3 day weekends) and work towards establishing a better exercise and blogging routine this next month.

Happy Exercising, All!  I hope the month of September brings wonderful things your way.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Hope, Hopeless, Fierce, and Deadend

Lately and then a year ago for sure, the following image kept popping into my head:

What should I do?  Where should I go?  Why were things I thought would work consistently going pear shaped?  This quickly left me feeling hopeless and discouraged.  Thankfully - I battled back those dark thoughts, which I encountered the summer before high school started and continue to battle to this day, and persevered.  Most recently, the following image comes to mind, particularly when a family member gets harmed or mistreated.  Apparently, I become quite fierce:
Since I do not think of myself in that way, it is a shocker.

Nearly three years ago, I started being more open with family and friends about my feelings and thoughts.  It is not easy, but at least they know what is happening with me.  It - in some small way - helps me find hope, particularly when I talk through those dark emotions.  So If you are feeling without hope or if you are battling dark thoughts, please get help.  Each of us is on this planet for a reason and we need each other to make positive change.

I will get off my soapbox, now, and resume my debate over which crop or tree to plant.  They, at least, bring some sense of satisfaction and require only a bit of thought.  Is it a perfect solution?  No - but the animals and plants in Farmville 2 are so cute!

Happy Wednesday

Monday, August 29, 2016

Hello Fresh, Milestone, and a quick glance at 12 months ago

For the price, Hello Fresh does provide an interesting assortment of ingredients and it is convenient. When I was thinking of doing it, though, I had not expected the amount of work to be equal or more than to making my own recipe after grocery shopping.  Also - Some of the ingredients were not in the best of shape.  Was this due to a delivery mishap?  Or are they like this?  Again - I am not sure, but I decided it was not for me, especially since I can get the recipes for free - how fun!

Twelve months ago - about - I started this blog, having learned that I have severe allergies.  Nope - 2015-2016 has not been the best year, but I am thankful to be feeling better than I was a year ago.  Saturday - I will do my first "race" in over a year.  I am just planning to cross the finish line and be pleased with having run the whole thing.  Walking might be faster, but this is one step closer to making my goal of returning to being healthy and living an active lifestyle.

300 miles - yay - yes, a lot of those were walking with some elliptical and running.  I am happy to have come this far and I will keep enjoying the process.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Perspective - Courtesy of Two Tornado Funnels and Heavy Rain and Thankful Thursday

The thing about relocating, starting something new, tying up lose ends, and getting familiar with a new place is insecurity reigns.  If you let it along with a not perfect experience, it can rule your life.  Sadly, I could not shake off a tough week and until last night, that insecurity and feeling of lost and not being good was prevalent.

So what did it take to finally shake it?  The key, so to speak, for me were tornado warnings and being in a building knowing no one and hoping to be alive.  It is the most frightening thing that has happened to me in years and I hope not to repeat it.

As I drove back to my place, a feeling of calm and cool headed thought appeared.  Suddenly, earlier news combined with this shocking event helped me prioritize what I could not previously.  It also made me so thankful to have the chance to regain this perspective.

While this might not last forever, it shook me and I am hoping to prevent the introspection - always an issue with me that is sometimes good - from lasting longer than it should.  Bad days, experience, meetings, happen.  Learn from it and prepare, if it is likely to happen frequently, as best you can, but once it is done.  Move forward and reward yourself for getting through it!

Happy Thankful Thursday, All!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Soon...feeling like myself will happen..right?

Hi All,

Yep, if this is what is appearing on your face, I believe it.  This is Monday, but you can all applaud that for the first time in months I am blogging.  Later this week - I will write about my experiences with, "Hello Fresh," but back to the agneda for today.

Exhaustion is still the word to describe me and the following is oh so tempting on the benches near my office:
I will have company this weekend and perhaps my energy will make an appearance?  I am still doing more walking than running, but my goal is to run one day this week.  I think that I can make it?  The 5k on September 3rd will definitely be a slow jog and walking might happen, but I hope to prevail with the slow jog.

Tying up lose ends is taking far longer than I ever anticipated or imagined.  In face, it might be time to do a car check-up before I get the official plates.  I remind myself daily that getting a new, energy efficient, quiet car is worth it.  Right?  It took me a good three weeks to find way so that I could drive in and out of my reserved space without panicking.  I almost have it down perfectly, now!

Beyond the normal adjustments, life continues.  I will be thrilled when the need to nap during the work day disappears.

Happy Monday, All!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

And...I am back!

My goal for the past five days was to survive, but little did I anticipate the challenges of the week, when I naively set that goal.  Survive it I did and today I did a short run.

Yes, I dreamed of the following - particularly during the last 0.24 miles:

Two weeks from today I am supposed to run a 5k.  Note - I am running not racing it, but I will still happily wear my Oiselle gear.  After all, one of the folks (Dr. Lesko to the rescuse!) noted, "Getting to the starting line is a huge accomplishment."

I may not be where I want fitness wise, but I am back on track to reaching that point.  Don't forget to watch the 800 meter final tonight at 8 pmish Eastern (7 pm Central, 6 pm Mountain, 5 pm Pacific) as Kate Grace seeks to medal.  Regardless of the outcome, her journey has been inspirational and knowing my participation in the Oiselle Volee supports her and other up-and-coming-athletes brings a smile to my face!

Until Monday - then - have a happy Weekend!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Training: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Not all training is fun and sometimes it is downright ugly.  Or the humorous aspects will keep your mind engaged, but the overall content lacks applicability.  After attending training for the past 1.5 days, I would not say ugly describes it, but dull and uninteresting for 95% of the time definitely do.

Similarly so, committees and rules can fall into this category.  Why then do many businesses, athletes, and people thrive on the training and committee routine?  It works.

To increase flexibility, many people stretch.  Some find stretching not to be useful, but the following - when I take time to do it - always helps me feel better.

This image is of a professional and I am not in that league, of course, but we each have ways of coping in not fun situations (ugly training sessions, seemingly pointless meetings) and, if we strive to make the most of it, we end up building strength and character not unlike the figure below.

Find your strength and focus on ways to improve your weak areas.  It never hurts to explore!

Happy Wednesday.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Dreams become real.

Four years ago, I learned of a career change my sibling decided to make.  At the time, I considered the course of action and had reservations.  On Sunday, this my sibling's dream - after four years of frustration, hard work, and my reservations coming true - became real and I could not be prouder.

In some ways, participating in the Olympics are the realization of a career or lifetime of dreams.  With the current scandals, name calling, unsportsmanlike conduct, and robbery; my enthusiasm for following it beyond You Tube clips and Twitter feeds is not high.  I am thrilled that 3 US women marathoners finished in the top 10!  A new US record was set in the 10,000 meter (10k), and today a US woman won a bronze medal in the Steeplechase.

What do these have in common you might ask?  Dreams - dreams becoming reality are the connecting point.  Not all of us can make the Olympics or have a dream job or career.  What we can do, however, is to always dream and use it as motivation to accomplish things we might not otherwise pursue.

Think about the dream trip, career, goal, or something unreachable and try taking a step to make it reality.  Yes, I am a dreamer, but it's that motivating factor, which keeps me going in times that are tough or not as I expected.

Happy Dreaming!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Getting back to it - slowly but surely!

Yesterday evening, I did a bit of a run to catch up with some people and then I walked for a total of 5 miles.  Today, my feet are not happy, since I did not wear running shoes nor did I stretch.  Eek - it was fun and getting back into it is always worth it.  Even if you look like this after the exercise is done.

Now I know of new place to exercise, which is close by, and they have places to change.  Is that a win-win or what?  Meanwhile, Saturday I am jetting off for some time with family.  My routine of daily exercise includes getting the mail and frequent trips to the library.  I would love to say that running will get added next week, but it might not happen until the following week.

The temperatures are hot.  Eventually, it will return to what I think of as normal temperatures.  On the 3rd of September, I will end up doing the 5k just due to lack of training and I am not deferring Richmond.  I would love to say I can do it, but it would not be smart to even commit for a half marathon at this stage.

Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

A Week Away, Instagram, New Phone, and New Car

This is quite possibly the summer of "new" for me.  I am all for it, but spreading out the "new" is more my style.  Last weekend, I drove about 20-23 hours total and 8 of those hours were in a new-to-me car.  Introducing - the Pearl 2014 Toyota Prius - although the monthly payment was not my idea of a fun time, getting a reliable and eco friendly car was.  So - I am trying out things and for the most part, I am adjusting well.  Note - Do not trust empty carts, because they will bump against your car.  Sigh - the car is ok and I was mortified.  Such is life with me, but I am reminding myself it was bound to happen.

Running news - well - I do not have any, since I did not do any.  That's what happens when you are worn out all week and spend the weekend playing catch-up, adjust, and make the most of what you can.  This would have been me, if the temperatures had not been in the 90s:
Or, if folks at work knew me a bit better and I could be trusted to take short power naps, this would have happened:

Exercise resumes this week and I am excited.  My planning for lunches/dinners still could be better, but I am improving.  Now off to read some more go I!

Along with new, my phone (6SE) is working and I can resume Instagram posting.  Instagram is so much fun.  It makes me smile and get excited in a way that most social media does not.

Happy Sunday & good luck with the challenges each new day brings!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

All I thought of was Ice, Cold Water!

This morning, after 4 rough nights of sleep, I could not get myself out of bed in time to run before work.  I barely did so yesterday, but technology conspired against me.  So, I got home, did some stuff, and head out for a run around 7 pm.  Within minutes of heading into the 88-90 degree weather all I thought of was this:

Even the nearby pools at about 1.5 miles were sounding great!  I finished up my run, which at this stage is only 3 miles, and patted myself on the back.   I am covered in sweat and, if I jump in a pool, the temperature would be such a shock that I might get a cold.  This is not a joking matter.  I have Reynaud's, which means I change temperatures really quickly, but thankfully it is the minor version.

I am going to attempt 3 posts this week.  It might not happen, but we shall see.

Happy Exercising!

Monday, July 4, 2016

"Keep Moving" and Serious Training Starts

Yesterday morning, I checked out more books than I planned from the local public library.  Should this come as a surprise?  No - I might not get through all of them, but so far they are fun.  We need more fun.

At any rate, "Keep Moving" by Dick Van Dyke helped me gain some perspective about my current running progress.  Am I moving?  Yep - do I get a little better each time?  Yep - do I ever expect compete professionally?  No - I am running for me.  After chatting with a person at a running store, I nearly deferred or switched races for November 12th.  The computer malfunctioned, which gives me some additional time to consider if I can do it or not.

It also helped me realize that getting older is inevitable, which I knew, but that it does not mean the joys of every day life disappear.  My focus tends to be on advancing in my career and that's it.  This book is another reminder that it is possible to have a life outside of work and I can do this.  At one point in my life, it was not such a "big deal."

After completing 15 miles of running and cross-training, I am tired but overall I feel ok.  Given that I had not run much at all a week ago, this gives me hope.  So - the semi-serious training starts tomorrow with a goal of completing the September 2nd half marathon and not getting injured or losing the love of it in the process.

Let's give a big congrats to Tina Muir for doing so well in the European Championships today!  To those running for the Olympic Trials spots today, good luck!  I will be happily cheering for all of you from afar.

Happy 4th of July and 2 Running Recaps

It is hard to believe that today is the 4th of July.  A month ago, for instance, I was painting, selling things, and preparing myself for the last days of my previous job.  Today, I am settling in and preparing for my first day of work.  I have been in my new location one week as of this afternoon and that is frightening but good.

So far, I have gotten in two different runs.  The first one was in the neighborhood and the second was at a metro park.  I am still adjusting to when and to where I will be able to comfortably and safely run in the mornings and evenings.  My body is readjusting to life with running as a consistent part of it.  It got lazy and now it is remembering what it means.

Before moving in 2012, the fireworks at 4th of July were among my favorite parts of the holiday.  Now - though - I am done with it.  So - enjoy your fireworks and please cease setting them off starting tonight!

Happy 4th of July and Happy Running.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I'm Back!

Hi All!

The past few weeks (month really) have been insane.  Switching areas and jobs will do that, but I have to say overall the process has been smooth.  Big kudos to my brother and my family for helping me through this!

Before leaving, I managed to do the following updates in my house.  Now - let's hope it sells quickly!  Good selling times are July - October.

Before the update, the colors were really dark brown cabinets and a dark tan shade.  If you have not guessed already, light colors are my preference!

My new abode will work for a year and definitely until the house sells.  After that, I will begin looking for new places.

Running commences on Friday or Saturday at the latest.  I can tell my muscles have been getting non-running toning, which makes me hope the transition back into running will not be so hard.

Oiselle products continue to make moving, settling, and running better.  I am so excited to wear my singlet in my half marathon on September 3rd.  This half marathon might not be my fastest, but it will give me an idea of where I am fitness wise.

Also - at some point I hit 200 Miles, yay!  I am not recording that, since it was in the midst of the move.

Happy Running!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

You know something's right, when....


This post will not be lengthy and it will not have pictures, sorry!  I am taking a break and recuperating from two 12 hour driving trips (Thursday, Today), before tackling somethings on my todo list that do not require lots of energy.

Thanks to my lovely extended family, I had a place to sleep and a great side kick for scouting a new place to live.  After day one lead to multiple duds and then something closer, we decided I am a Luxury Apartment fan.  It makes me feel snobbish, but having quick access to a fitness center at all hours, two pools, sauna, sand volleyball court, and tennis courts are nothing about which to complain.  Plus - unless something falls through, the new place will fit my budget, even until and after my current house sells, and it is close to work, which is essential.

My schedule will vary as the weekly hours, depending on meetings and so forth, are also undetermined.  This could mean 60 hour weeks and 45-50 hours a week being normal.  A perk of the new job is that the group I will be serving is different from those I have been working with during the past 4 years.  I am going to miss some aspects of my current position, but it was time to move on and seek out those challenges.

Running wise, well, I have not done anything since returning from a professional conference.  Except, well, painting ceilings and packing.  I did sign up for a half marathon in my new abode for September 3rd.  Depending on how it goes, I will decide on what else to run this fall.

Question - for any runners and readers - how do you train for hills in flat areas?  This is a new problem I will be facing.  Most likely, I will travel to run in areas where I can access hills and visit people, but those trips can only happen so frequently.

This move is coming together well, which to me is another indicator that it is right.  It took 18 months of heartache and hard work to find it, but I am beyond excited about it all.

Happy Running!