Monday, October 30, 2017

Goals for my upcoming Half Marathon and 2 Week Recap

Hey All,

This has been my busiest month - no doubt here - since April and May. I have enjoyed most parts of this month, but I am ready for it to be done. Thankfully, I just have one day left. Yay!

So last week I was in Salt Lake City for a conference, where I presented with colleagues, and I talked one of my colleagues into walking around the city - particularly the avenues and we ended up, by accident, in front of the Capitol Building. Oops.

One of the funniest aspects of walk were these street corners where they advised you to carry orange flags to increase visibility. I could see this, if the corner was at the top of a hill and visibility was poor, but they had these at many different corner intersections. Also - the picture with the really skinny trees made me nervous and reminded me I need to deal with my trees. Although some of the architecture and dog parks reminded me of San Francisco, I was quite ok with returning to my midwest area.

Then, I ran a 10k on Saturday to just see where I happened to be fitness wise. I ran just 2 minutes short of fastest 10k ever and I was stoked. Now, to just deal with the jitters and race preparation this week. My coach has suggested a plan, which I will follow as best I can, but I still plan to follow #nowatchme. My plan, to keep myself from going out faster than I should, is to stick with a slower pace group for the first 5 miles and then slowly begin increasing my pace (per the plan). Think a car slowly starting, increasing the speed, and then flying. This is how my race is supposed to go. Will I manage it? I don't know, but I am going to do my best with what energy and strength I have.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Did I really get a flu shot?

Starting in 2000 to the present, I have not reacted well to flu shots.  Sometimes, I am sick for a good 48 hours. Or - better yet - I found ways to avoid getting one at all. Today, however, I got my flu shot, since I know it is important to be healthy and to protect others with I work on a daily basis.

If you have not gotten the flu shot, get yourself to a clinic, pharmacy, hospital, or doctor's office. I detest it as much as you, but you must do it!

On an exercise note, I cannot believe that I will be retiring the white and blue shoes (pictured below) in the upcoming months. I have discovered that 8 is my correct size for Brooks and I wear the shoes much more evenly in the correct size. Maybe they will last longer?

I haven't a clue what my half marathon time will be on 11/4, but I am just excited to be healthy enough to run it.

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Got Allergies? Check out Thrive Market!

Note: Thrive Market did not pay me or reimburse me for writing this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Tina Muir first introduced me to Thrive Market via a blog post many years ago. Until this year, though, I had not tried it. Quite simply - my diet was so restricted that it took forever to grocery shop and the option held little appeal.

Now - though - I order about one to two times every couple of months and it is ideal for my busy schedule. The prices are better or equivalent to my grocery store and they are delivered to my door. Can you beat the convenience?

I still have my wish list - of course - but I am excited by the options Thrive Provides.

It does have a membership fee, but shipping is free for orders over $45. If you are a fan of EPIC bars or KIND Bars, Thrive sells both at discounted prices.

So - when you are looking for a diversion - take a look (

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Dead leg long run + Hot Weather = I want Fall now!

Today, I could tell that this run had the potential to be rough. I nearly drove to a new area just to see if that might help, but my energy was just not having it.

Wednesday - I had a great tempo run, yay!

Thursday things were ok.

Today, I ran the first two miles in a decent time and then in mile 3 hit the trails, tripped over a root (yeah - fun times) and then finished off the mile on mostly trails. Starting with mile 4-7, I attempted to faster. I don't think I succeeded, but I did try.

7-9 - I survived for a total of 9.2

My fueling was not ideal, which might have contributed as well.

Bonus - I tried the great Kombucha (pictured below) for the first time and loved it!

Happy Saturday.

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Monday, October 2, 2017

Half Marathon Time - Less than a month away & Reflections

On a day - when you hear that someone you knew has passed on - it is so easy to take your own good health for granted. 6 years ago, my health started deteriorating rapidly. 4 years ago, I completed my last half marathon in the slowest time ever. It was awful and I do not recommend that race, but I am happy I completed it.

As the days to my 4 half marathon approach, I am thankful that I have been able to do so much in a year and improved. The credit goes to my coach ( I am pretty sure she has ESP and she definitely has stuck with me through the rough patches. I got lost and showed up 30 minutes late to our initial meeting and somehow she agreed to keep working with me.

I am not sure how the half marathon will go, but I credit the big strides health wise this past year to her.

Be greatful for your health and stay safe!