Saturday, September 3, 2016

My Latest Obsession & Return to Exercise

Rarely do I enjoy any computer game - the exception is Settlers of Catan and only when I play with family - for a long time.  Pokemon Go, for instance, held my interest for all of parts of 2 days.  Toy Blast held my attention for 4 days.  Farmville 2, on the other hand, has made it for a whole week and it might continue.  Initially, when I played Farmville back in 2009, I thought it was the dumbest game on the planet.  Literally - you got penalized for not harvesting the crops and having hungry animals.  This time, though, they have modified it and you can leave it and return days later with no penalty.  It does still try and make you pay for money (Farm Bucks), but they have an option where you can take surveys.  Will this game continue holding my interest beyond the 2 week period?  I don't know, but the animals are cute.

Starting Monday, I am gong to get back into an exercise routine. Yesterday - I felt lousy, primarily due to not handling things well.  I slept a lot, relaxed, and today I am feeling closer to normal.  Tuesday, I have the opportunity to pickup something I started doing in college and then again during my DC years.  Am I excited?  You betcha.  It is likely that I will be the only adult and not the most fit, but it will be good to get back into it.  Can you guess - based on a picture that is not 100% relevant - what it might be?

Happy Long Labor Day Weekend!  If you don't get a long weekend, I hope you are able to enjoy what time you have.

Happy Exercising!

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