Thursday, December 1, 2016

It Broke (finally) and 14 years ago in March

It was just after Spring Break, my first in a new school, and this pesky headache would not go away. First I was told it was chronic sinusitis, after getting a CT.  Then, after multiple tests still did not provide answers, perhaps it was allergies.  Nope - that did not help and I was taking over the counter medicine.  Then - I was referred to a neurologist, who diagnosed classic migraines, prescribed medication, and sent me on my merry way with a follow-up appointment in a few months.  I was not called, after the starting the medication, to see if it would help.

Several months later and 10-15 pounds heavier, I could not run.  I drank water all the time.  I was over-hydrated or borderline over-hydrated.  I had no muscle tone and I still had the headache.  My first summer home after college, clipping ingredients led to the discovery.  Presto chango - I react to citric acid, lemons, limes, oranges, and traces of these juices along with pomegrantes.  The trick became to read the labels and hope all the ingredients would be listed.  Did I mention that "natural" citric acid also leads to migraines?

Fast forward to this summer when I relocated, I changed medications (brand to generic) and once again lived through three months of feeling awful.  I got back on the brand medication and suddenly life became better, until I ate some food at Thanksgiving.

Now - seven days later - I am finally migraine free, but my coordination is not where it should be.  Hence, I tripped and splatted this morning.  This is something that consistently happens, when I am early on in a migraine or just getting past it.  While I might not have ever been the most coordinated of individuals, just a few months of taking that medication in 2003 really took my coordination down to all new levels of low.  I try to just accept falling will happen and then move past it.  Honestly - what else can be done?

So today - this Thursday seven days past Thanksgiving - I am thankful to have completed a workout and defeated the migraine.  It truly has been a tough week and I would gladly avoid having this prolonged event combined with worsening symptoms from ever occurring again.

Bonus - I can write and almost think!  New discovery - I can edit pretty well with a migraine.

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