Sunday, July 24, 2016

A Week Away, Instagram, New Phone, and New Car

This is quite possibly the summer of "new" for me.  I am all for it, but spreading out the "new" is more my style.  Last weekend, I drove about 20-23 hours total and 8 of those hours were in a new-to-me car.  Introducing - the Pearl 2014 Toyota Prius - although the monthly payment was not my idea of a fun time, getting a reliable and eco friendly car was.  So - I am trying out things and for the most part, I am adjusting well.  Note - Do not trust empty carts, because they will bump against your car.  Sigh - the car is ok and I was mortified.  Such is life with me, but I am reminding myself it was bound to happen.

Running news - well - I do not have any, since I did not do any.  That's what happens when you are worn out all week and spend the weekend playing catch-up, adjust, and make the most of what you can.  This would have been me, if the temperatures had not been in the 90s:
Or, if folks at work knew me a bit better and I could be trusted to take short power naps, this would have happened:

Exercise resumes this week and I am excited.  My planning for lunches/dinners still could be better, but I am improving.  Now off to read some more go I!

Along with new, my phone (6SE) is working and I can resume Instagram posting.  Instagram is so much fun.  It makes me smile and get excited in a way that most social media does not.

Happy Sunday & good luck with the challenges each new day brings!

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