Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Weekly Roundup

Hey All!

This was a tough week.  Getting back into regular exercise means that I am kind of a nightmare in some respects for two weeks.  My emotions resemble roller coasters and I had a meltdown of epic proportions followed by a run on Monday.  All told.  It was a decent week in most respects and I am putting things in motion to make next week even smoother.

This week I started my first week of coached running in over a week and I am so glad Coach Runacious ( stuck with me, after I got the time wrong and appeared late two weeks ago.  Kudos to her - she is nice, calm, and pushes me without adding extra stress.

My paces are pretty consistent at this point and they are not where I know they could be.  Right - I am building the base and trusting my coach to help the speed return.  Apparently, I am healthy enough to add back in mileage and not crash.  I think the trick was cutting out dairy. :)  Stay Tuned.

Monday - 2.78 miles and myrtl

Tuesday - 3.03 miles and strides (I am pretty sure I messed up the stride length, but it felt good to do some speed work!)

Wednesday - 3.33 on a stationary bike, since the Elliptical was occupied.  Looking back on it, this was probably a better choice for where I am training wise.

Thursday - 3.27 mile + PiYo (eek - lunges get me all the time)

Friday - Rest (I was feeling the PiYo)

Saturday - 5 miles + myrtl

I may or may not do some cross training tomorrow.  If I can work out the soreness from PiYo, then I will for sure.

Nope - this post does not have a bunch of pictures, but I will leave you with this Instagram Sunset photo from Tuesday.  Next week - I will try to post a bit more, but my focus is on getting in the training, recovery, and sleep.  Instagram will be active, though, and I will post at least once a week here!

Happy Saturday :)

A photo posted by Runningwithallergies (@runningwithallergies) on

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